Mäki-Opas, Tomi

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Academic degree
Department of Social Sciences
Fields of expertise
Social and public policy, especially effectiveness research
Fields of science
5142 Social policy, 520 Other social sciences, 3141 Health care science, 3142 Public health care science, environmental and occupational health
Language skills
Finnish, Swedish, German

Personal links

Description of activity
I work as a professor of social policy and I have a title of docent in health policy. I am particularly interested in the effectiveness of social policy, social and health services and the promotion of wellbeing, especially from the perspective wellbeing and societal equity. I lead the “Effectiveness in social and health services” research community and the operation and development of the “House of Effectiveness” network. In addition, I work in close cooperation with the Northern Savo welfare region, where the special theme of the cooperation is wellbeing services research and effectiveness. I teach at all levels of the subjects related to the mentioned themes, effectiveness research methods, designs, and supervise dissertations related to the topics.

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