Sointu, Erkko

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Academic degree
KT (PhD, Education)
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Fields of expertise
Special education (behavioral and emotional strengths, behavioral assessment, support), learning analytics, higher education pedagogy and support for learning, flipped classroom/flipped learning, technology in education.
Fields of science
516 Educational sciences
Language skills
Finnish, English, Swedish

Personal links

Description of activity
Dr. Erkko Sointu (PhD, special education) works as a professor in the special education scientific discipline at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). His research interests encompass the development of teaching methods and support for learning across various educational levels, including higher education. He also focuses on behavioral and emotional functioning, emphasizing strengths, as well as learning analytics and dispositional learning analytics in both teaching and research. Additionally, he explores the integration of technology in education. Erkko's responsibilities include research, teaching, supervising, and facilitating research initiatives. He is an active researcher and advisory board member of the UEF Learning, Everyday Life, and Work in a Digitalized Society (DIGS) research community. Erkko participates in extensive national and international research networks and organizations, such as EDUsummIT. He is also a trained teacher with experience of both comprehensive and higher education. Erkko holds title of docent of quantitative research methods in educational sciences to University of Lapland, Finland

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