Härkönen, Ulla Marita
Academic degree
Kasvatustieteen tohtori, erityisesti varhaiskasvatus
Professori, Emerita
Soveltavan kasvatustieteen ja opettajakoulutuksen osasto
Fields of expertise
Professional and scientific international and national views on early childhood education. Pedagogical systems theory. Supervision of researchers. Play, work, teaching, discussing with children.
Fields of science
516 Educational sciences, 5141 Sociology, 611 Philosophy, 316 Nursing, 5142 Social policy, 515 Psychology
Language skills
Finnish, English, Swedish, German, Estonian
Description of activity:
Early childhood education science; Early Pedagogics; Pedagogical systems theory; Froebel, Steiner, and Montessori as pedagogues in early pedagogics; Bronfenbrenner theory as a social and developmental theory; Work education in childhood; Play in Pedagogics; Gender in early education; Analyzing children´s literature books; Sustaining children´s development; Analysing concepts and definitions; Methodologies and methods in early education research; Mixed methods.