Taipale-Erävala, Kyllikki

Profile image
Academic degree
Tekniikan tohtori (tuotantotalous)
Vieraileva tutkija
Kauppatieteiden laitos
Fields of expertise
business competencies, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurial education
Fields of science
512 Business and management
Language skills
English, Swedish, Russian

Personal links

Description of activity:
Dr. Kyllikki Taipale-Erävala acts as an Associate Professor at the University of Eastern Finland, Finland. Her research expertise is competencies enabling business survival and development in micros and SMEs in changing business environments. She is also interested in tourism, innovation, business models, knowledge management, servitisation, and business environments. Additionally, Dr. Taipale-Erävala is evolved in entrepreneurial education and training over 10 years. She has experience in the field of training and education in several school levels, supervision of apprenticeships, and HPA and energy technology. Dr. Taipale-Erävala has an experience of personal entrepreneurship over 20 years.

Expert's activity