Cielemecka, Olga

Profile image
Academic degree
Postdoctoral Researcher, Grant-funded Researcher
Karelian Institute, Karelian Institute
Fields of expertise
gender studies, feminist theory, philosophy, enviornmental humanities, border studies
Fields of science
616 Other humanities
Language skills
English, Polish, Spanish, Castilian
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Description of activity
Olga Cielemęcka is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland (since 2022). She holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Warsaw, Poland (2015). Before joining Bomocult, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Seed Box. Environmental Humanities Collaboratory Linkoping University, Sweden (2017-2019) and the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Turku, Finland, where she developed an interdisciplinary project on the intersections of nature, nation, and gender in the Białowieża Forest in Poland. Her research brings together contemporary philosophy, feminist, and queer approaches, environmental change, and, most recently, critical border studies. She published in the Journal of Gender Studies, Theory, Culture, & Society, Feminist Theory. She is the co-editor of the special issue on ‘Toxic Embodiment’ of Environmental Humanities (May 2019) and Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience, ‘Plantarium: Human-Vegetal Ecologies’ (December 2019). Olga’s Bomocult RC project, entitled “Fencing the green border. A case study of the Polish-Belarusian frontier”, focuses on the environmental and societal impact of border security infrastructure in a nature-protected area. Olga teaches in the area of feminist theory, environmental humanities, and methodologies.

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